Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

I was on the lookout for a whole wheat sandwich bread that I could use for breakfast toast, the great big soft loaf of bread that I made most school days while my children were growing up. I’ve lost that original recipe but had the look and feel and taste of that loaf in mind. I wanted it to be a sourdough for better nutrition and help with my blood sugar and I wanted it to be mostly whole wheat. I found a recipe that looked pretty close, but it wasn’t a sourdough recipe. So I did what any sourdough home researcher would do: I experimented until it worked.

Here’s the original post that I used: https://bakingamoment.com/soft-whole-wheat-bread/

from the Baking a Moment blog site. I made these changes: 1/2 cup sourdough starter instead of the yeast. I add a 1/4 cup vital wheat gluten. I mix this bread at night, give it a few stretches and let it ferment overnight. In the morning I shape it and let it rise from 1-2 hours and then bake it.

And here is a favorite breakfast starring this whole wheat sourdough:

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